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Translations for real estate agents and property developers

Your exposés, contracts and marketing documents translated attractively and correctly for real estate professionals

  • Are you a property developer selling newly built residential space or investing in extensive construction projects?
  • Are you conducting a commercial real estate transaction for your company?
  • Are you selling your house, apartment or land privately or purchasing a property?

Real estate transactions in Germany are also becoming increasingly interesting and lucrative for foreign business partners.

Linguaforum ensures that your exposés, contracts and marketing documents are translated correctly and in an appealing manner. What's more, we also support real estate transactions with our interpreting services, for example at notary appointments.

Official documents involved in the purchase of land (developed or undeveloped), condominiums and heritable building rights must be notarized – including preliminary contracts or purchase options.

The payment of the purchase price is also strictly formalized. It can only take place once several requirements have been met, for example the registration of a priority notice of conveyance – another condition requiring the involvement of a notary.

We can assist you in your real estate transactions by:

  • interpreting at your notary appointment, for example for international real estate transactions
  • translating your purchase contract
  • providing certified translations of official and court documents

Linguaforum is a competent partner for private and commercial investors, real estate agents and property developers.

Our services

Don't get lost in translation - make it global!
Do you have questions about our services or a specific request? Then give us a call right away at +49 611 7638 7000 or send us an e-mail!