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Certified translations

Do you need a quick and uncomplicated certified translation of your contract, pleading or personal documents?

As a company or law firm, certified German translations of foreign-language contracts, shareholder resolutions and corporate documents such as excerpts from commercial registers or pleadings are often required if these documents need to be submitted to German courts or authorities. These certified translations are officially recognized and suitable for official purposes.

We also translate personal documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, police clearance certificates or registration certificates. Be it for official procedures, company formations, job applications or other important matters, we are here to help whenever you require certified translations of official documents.

Our clients also regularly request certified translations from German into a required foreign language for submission to foreign institutions and business partners. These clients rely on our perfect industry and professional knowledge. In turn, they can rest assured that they will receive a technically correct and absolutely accurate translation that ticks all the boxes for their intended purpose.

When producing a certified translation, the sworn translator appointed by the court confirms the accuracy and completeness of the translated text. The translator makes the text an official document by means of an attestation clause, a stamp and his or her signature. Translations and their certification may only be carried out by certified translators who have been sworn in before a German regional court.

Certified translations for companies and law firms:

  • Contracts
  • Judgments
  • Shareholder resolutions
  • Corporate documents such as excerpts from commercial registers
  • Pleadings submitted to courts or authorities

Certified translations of personal documents:

  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Police clearance certificates
  • Registration certificates
  • Training certificates
  • Job references
  • School & university certificates

As your cooperative and communicative service provider, we provide certified translations quickly, smoothly and competently..

You need this service whenever you are required to submit officially recognized translations for official purposes. Such documents include, for example, real estate transactions, court proceedings, official procedures, company formations, job applications or other important matters that require you to submit officially certified translations.

Don't get lost in translation – make it global!

Do you have any questions about our services or a specific inquiry? If so, call us right away at +49 611 7638 7000 or send us an e-mail – we're happy to help!

Further services